Madden NFL 25 Kicking Guide For Beginner Player

Madden NFL 25 Kicking Guide -

In Madden NFL 25, kicking plays a crucial role in your game strategy. Whether you’re aiming for a Field Goal, executing a Punt, or making a Kickoff, mastering these skills can greatly impact your performance. Here’s a comprehensive guide to kicking in Madden NFL 25.

Kicking Field Goals

To kick a Field Goal, players use the Left Stick for aiming and then choose between two kicking styles and control schemes to perfect their kick:

Kicking Styles:

  • Classic: This style uses a single meter that combines both power and accuracy.
  • Multi-Meter: This style separates power and accuracy into two distinct meters – one vertical and one horizontal.

Control Schemes:

  • Tap & Tap: Tap to set accuracy, and tap again to lock in power when it’s at its peak.
  • Tap & Hold: Tap to set accuracy, and hold to set power, releasing when it’s at its peak.

Multi-Meter Kicking:

For players opting for the Multi-Meter style, the process involves two steps:

1. Accuracy: A horizontal slider moves across the screen. Press X/A when the slider is centered to ensure accuracy.

2. Power: Depending on your control scheme, either hold or tap X/A when the vertical meter reaches its peak. Releasing too late or too early can affect your kick’s accuracy and power. The ideal release is when the meter’s bar is at its highest point but hasn’t started to shake.

Dynamic Kickoffs

Madden NFL 25 introduces the Dynamic Kickoff system, which reflects recent NFL changes. Here’s how to handle kickoffs effectively:

• Aim: Try to kick the ball deep into the landing zone, which is between the opponent’s goal line and the 20-yard line.

• Touchbacks: Kicks that land in the end zone will result in a touchback, with the ball placed at the 30-yard line. If the ball lands in the landing zone first and then goes into the end zone, it results in a touchback to the 20-yard line.

• Kicker Position: The kicker must stay behind the 50-yard line until the ball is kicked.

Types of Kickoffs:

1.Placement Kick: Prioritizes accuracy and placement.

2. Deep Kick: Focuses on power for a longer kick.

3. Power Squib: A shorter, less powerful kick used mainly to prevent a late-game return touchdown.

Tip: For most situations, Placement Kicks are the most reliable. Use Power Squibs only when time is running out to prevent a strong return.


Punting involves three button presses for precision timing:

Punt Types:

  • Normal Punt: A standard punt with balanced distance and hang time.
  • Sky Kick: This kick goes higher, giving your coverage team more time to get to the returner. It’s useful for controlling field position and minimizing return yards.
  • Backspin Punt: This kick causes the ball to bounce backward upon hitting the ground. It’s effective for improving field position but doesn’t always guarantee a bounce back.

Punting Process:

1.Press A/X to start the punt attempt.

2. Watch for the arrows connected to the kicking meter.

3. Press A/X again when the meter reaches the white line near the top for optimal power.

4. Press A/X once more as the arrows return to their starting position.


Mastering kicking in Madden NFL 25 involves understanding the different kicking styles, control schemes, and the specifics of dynamic kickoffs and punting. Practice these techniques to improve your accuracy and strategic play on the field.

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