Once you’ve found a juvenile animal you would like to tame, simply walk up to it and interact with it by pressing the [F] key. This will bring up a window that tells you a little bit about that particular pet, and also gives you the option to equip your new pet at that point as shown above. Once equipped, you can also give your pet a new name by opening the Pet Management [K] window, and clicking on the small quill icon located at the top of the window.
Ranger Weapon Sets
Starting at level 7, the ranger is able to equip two unique weapon sets. These can be actively swapped by pressing the [`] key at any time out-of-combat, though there will be a short cooldown after swapping weapon sets during combat before you will be able to swap back again. For more information on how this system works, please refer to our Intro Guide to Builds.
The weapons that rangers can equip along with their associated skills can be seen in-game by opening the Hero window [H] and selecting the Skills and Traits tab on the left. We’ve also added a list of available weapons for the ranger below:
Once you’ve tamed at least one additional pet, you will be able to switch between them during combat by clicking on the small arrow icon to the right of the pet skills. You can have a total of 4 pets slotted; 2 for combat on land, and 2 for underwater combat. Your slotted pets can be changed at any time by opening the Pet Management [K] window.
To tame new pets, you will need to locate a “juvenile” version of that animal type in PvE and WvW zones. They will be easily distinguished from other creatures both by having “juvenile” in their name, and their nameplate will also be green.
Upon reaching level 11, you will begin earning Trait Points (1 per level for a total of 70 at level 80) that can be spent in any of the five available Trait Lines. Each point spent will increase 2 primary or secondary attributes, with every 5 points spent unlocking either a Minor or Major trait.
The trait lines for the ranger are listed below, along with their associated attributes and weapon or utility skill type associations.
- +10 Power per point spent
- +1% Condition Duration per point spent
- Improves – Longbow and Harpoon Gun range, Signets
- +10 Precision per point spent
- +1% Critical Hit Chance per point spent
- Improves – Axe and Shortbow, Traps
Wilderness Survival
- +10 Toughness per point spent
- +10 Condition Damage per point spent
- Improves – Sword and Off-Hand skills, Traps, Survival skills