A reason is given to players for getting addicted in Guild Wars 2. It is the interesting combat for them to level up and acquire gaming experience. It is not an entire story just by leveling alone in GW2.At its start, only one utility skill and one combat skill are revealed in the world of Tyria.
The gameplay has been changed significantly with countless choices. Exactly, it is the point where a warrior plays nothing like a warrior that uses a rifle. The former is using an axe and a sword. The different armors are obvious. It is also possible to fit the situation best by altering the core combat mechanics of their characters with the capability to convert weapons in and out on the fly. In MMORPGs, this is typically a stale affair because of a sense of choice and consequence to combat that is lent from this. The gameplay become tactical as well as strategic.
Your character can stand there and a series of capabilities that do heal, damage or some sort of utility effect players in GW2 can be chained together. It is not necessary to run up a monster. There are special targeting and movement in Guild Wars 2. It is still a change though those who have not such experience may feel it is small. As soon as your character use a weapon or spell, a certain area of effect will come out.
In GW2, combat is much more dynamic. Most abilities do not always require targeting. Different weapon sets are involved within the strategies for different enemies created by players. The element of the novel dodge mechanic alone is quite crucial. After you master the combat tactics, you will also need to get Cheap GW2 Gold.