The charr moved south and west to conquer the other kingdoms

In 1070 AE, with titan magic, the Flame Legion, under Imperator Burntfur, brought down the Searing on Ascalon, destroying the Northern Wall and allowing the charr to sieze the human kingdom. The charr moved south and west to conquer the other kingdoms, and were it not for the timely rise of the White Mantle in Kryta and the Cataclysm in Orr, the charr would have come to dominate the entire surface of Tyria. When Vizier Khilbron released the titans from their prison behind the Door of Komalie and send them across the continent, the Flame Legion looked poised to finally reclaim Ascalon, but were humiliatingly defeated as their gods were killed in front of them by a group of adventurers serving Glint. By 1078 AE, the seed of rebellion, with Pyre Fierceshot at its head, had been sown, and the Flame Legion under Hierophant Burntsoul was shaken when their new gods, the destroyers, were shown to be false as well. Cheap GW2 Gold. The Flame Legion were dealt another blow in 1090 AE, when the Foefire simultaneously weakened their previously firm grip on Ascalon, and increased the charr’s distrust of magic significantly.

In 1116 AE, Pyre’s Rebellion finally bore its fruit when the three High Legions faced the Shaman caste in battle on the Plains of Golghein. Still, the Flame Legion was powerful enough to hold its own, and the chances of victory for the other legions was looking slim until Kalla Scorchrazor, a female charr who had been training in secret, added her forces to the legions’, effectively doubling their number. From then on, charr society was directed away from magic and towards misotheism and technocracy, leaving the Flame Legion maligned.

In 1325 AE, the Flame Legion had regained much of its former strength under the leadership of Imperator Baelfire, who planned to magically ascend to godhood, with powers matching those of the human gods. He was stopped by the newly-formed Pact, accompanied by Logan Thackeray and Rytlock Brimstone, sending the Flame Legion into disarray. Guild Wars 2 Gold. The Legion continues on under the leadership of Tribune Burntclaw, whilst their Shamans search for a way to resurrect their god. Meanwhile, Crea Irontooth, an Iron Legion engineer, is enslaved and forced to work on the building of a Flame Legion superweapon. The Pact works to keep them contained, however.

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