There are many works where the boundary between fantasy

There are many works where the boundary between fantasy and other works is not clear; the question of whether the writers believed in the possibilities of the marvels in A Midsummer Night’s Dream or Sir Gawain and the Green Knight makes it difficult to distinguish when fantasy, in its modern sense, first began. Guild Wars 2 Gold.

Although pre-dated by John Ruskin’s The King of the Golden River (1841), the history of modern fantasy literature is usually said to begin with George MacDonald, the Scottish author of such novels as The Princess and the Goblin and Phantastes (1858), the latter of which is widely considered to be the first fantasy novel ever written for adults.

MacDonald was a major influence on both J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis. The other major fantasy author of this era was William Morris, a popular English poet who wrote several novels in the latter part of the century, including The Well at the World’s End.
Despite MacDonald’s future influence with At the Back of the North Wind (1871), Morris’s popularity with his contemporaries, and H.G. Cheap GW2 Gold. Wells’s The Wonderful Visit (1895), it wasn’t until the 20th century that fantasy fiction began to reach a large audience. Lord Dunsany established the genre’s popularity in both the novel and the short story form. Many popular mainstream authors also began to write fantasy at this time, including H. Rider Haggard, Rudyard Kipling and Edgar Rice Burroughs. These authors, along with Abraham Merritt, established what was known as the “lost world” sub-genre, which was the most popular form of fantasy in the early decades of the 20th century, although several classic children’s fantasies, such as Peter Pan and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, were also published around this time.

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