This one can be difficult in Guild Wars 2

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There are a few vistas that require a bit of “gotcha” work to them in order to locate them and Lion’s Arch’s chat is constantly ablaze with discussion about the locations of a few of the vistas.Instead of boring you with background about how LA is a pirate city and full of pirates, instead let’s jump right into the vistas and let the nearby citizens of LA tell you all about the pirates in the city as you wander around town.

This one can be difficult, but the path is actually quite simple. There is a wooden tower on the south west side of the Trader’s Forum that will take you up to the bridge where the vista is. You can see its location in the screenshot above.

This one is, again, tricky but dastardly simple. Staring in the Grand Piazza, go the eastern fork and follow the bridges up and around, they take you straight to it. On the path, it continues north or you can go through arches across the wooden bridge, you’ll want to take that left onto the wooden bridge. You can see it on the map above.

There are two paths you can take. The first is from the Grand Piazza, go east across the bridge to the pirate boats. You can reach the same area from the Eastern Ward’s waypoint, head west from the waypoint and go up through the ship until you reach the western side. Either way, you’ll notice inside the ship that the path to the center is blocked, jump through the supplies and make your way out to the upper deck. From here jump onto the canvas and the waypoint is easily accessible.Watch out for holes in the deck of the ship.

This one is really simple. You’ll see the vista out on a rock that you can’t get to no matter what you do. You’ll jump in the water and try to climb it, you’ll go to a nearby rock and try to jump, and no matter what it’s impossible to get to. Well, an NPC nearby will offer you a gun that will let you jump to the island. Voila!

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