Upgrading and Repairing Defenses in Guild Wars 2

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To get to Toypocalypse you’ll need to travel to Lion’s Arch, at the north end of the Grand Plaza. Tixx is there (don’t forget to stop by and get your gift) and just to the right is a Seraph Soldier who is asking for recruits to stop the toy rampage going on inside the Infiniarium. Once inside you’ll have a few moments for the rest of your randomly formed party to team up and get into the map before the game starts.

In addition to building new defenses, any defense you build can be upgraded twice by taking the same object used to build it and bringing it to the defense. For example. If you want to upgrade a Catapult, you must bring another Scrap to it. If you want to upgrade a Snowman, bring more snow. Based on my first few play throughs, it seems upgrading is more cost effective than building new, but do be warned they don’t seem much harder to kill (with the exception of the wall, which gains HP as you level it).

Upgrading has one other huge benefit and that is that it restores the defense object to full health. If you see an object about to die, instead of building a 2nd turret next to it, upgrade the one on low health and you’ll get much more Return on that investment.

Your Dolyaks don’t heal up after each wave, but every couple of waves Hay spawns around the middle of the map that players can take to the Dolyaks to heal them. This is very important not to miss as your Dolyaks will take damage.

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