You know, one week free trial of Guild Wars 2, which ends today? Ah, guess how significant – it is not! NSB extend the trial three days, giving a new adventure more time to experience the game. And for those in North America and Europe, players who miss the opportunity to jump kick yourself Tyria, extra time provides a complete weekend, give the world a whirl. Get started, simply go to the official website and register. But do not take it too long, because the deal has ended on October 7th (Monday) at 02 am EST 59 reais.(Spots look,Here to supply buy FFXIV Gil)
In addition, the $ 39.99 sales figures heroic version is also being expanded; Players can now grab yourself a copy of the battle, until October 8th (Wednesday) am EST 03 points 59 points, the discounted price. A useful tip: Unless you are a night owl, you may want to take advantage of sales the night before to make sure you do not miss a deal.