About Nightmares Within update November 12th

Posted ImageThe dark tower in Kessex Hills has been breached! Now is the time to storm the tower and begin setting things to rights. Within the morbid stronghold of the Toxic Alliance, you’ll find new dangers, new challenges, and come face-to-face with terror incarnate.

Arenanet announced the next Living Story update: the Nightmares Within. The heroes of Tyria assault the giant tower in Kessex Hills and fight the Toxic Alliance. According to the picture we’ll also face the Gearworks and a brand new foe. Scarlet’s messed up experiments, perhaps?

Rewards in this update include:
Gasmask Skin for completing the meta achievement, applicable to any head piece armor (yay!)
Air-Filtration-Device Skin: A head piece armor skin with the same look as the starter Aqua Breather (yay?)
Toxic Spore back item
Two new Toxic Krait minis: Mini Toxic Hybrid and Mini Toxic Nimross
Tri-Key Chest: “The Tri-Key Chest holds a chance for special treasures. Collect the three keys to open it from foes within the tower, or barter for them with Marjory’s Helper, Dee. Open the chest to see what lies inside!”
This update also includes the Rock the Nightmare-contest where you need create a music video for the “The Nightmare Within”-song. The best music video nets you a spiffing looking guitar made by the Sygnus Guitars and the second best one is rewarded by GW2-themed gaming gear by Steelseries.

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