People who want to play on Runescape 3 server or Old School Server can choose to play as a normal free user or a member. But a lot of players do not have enough money to pay for regular membership, so is there any way to get the free runescape membership? The answer is Yes.
What are the ways to get the free membership? The first way is to exchange bonds in game with your runescape gold. If you have enough runescape gold, you can use the gold to exchange bonds with other players. Many people have bonds, but they do not need them, so they always want to exchange them into gold. Then you will have good chance to get the bonds with your gold. After you get the bonds, you can just use the bonds to exchange the membership in runescapegold2007 store.
Well, if you have enough rs gold, but you cannot find anyone to exchange the bonds, and then you can sell runescape gold to us. Our skype is coolyou8. We will give you the best offer, and we buy rs gold all the time. You just need to deliver the gold and then we will send the payment to your paypal. After you get the payment, you will be able to buy the membership in runescapegold2007 store. But please note we do not accept gold which is got from runescape bot.