How To Use This Fifa 15 Coin Generator
Well, it is really easy and takes just a couple of minutes or less if you´re quick with your keyboard or phone or tablet.
Ah, you get my point. Anyway, just hit that link I gave you here in this very post and you should land on this online tool webpage. You don´t need to download anything to start using this coin generator, it´s all online based and so there´s no possible risk or harm to your computer – you can use it with confidence.
As you can see, you have to enter your EA e-mail and then click next. 2nd step gives you the option to choose how many free coins would you like to be added to your account. Take your time, think through what you need to get, where you want to be and after you have made up your mind, just hit generate.
This online Fifa 15 resource generator will then start the process and you can monitor what it does. Using SSH secure tunnel ncryption in combination with complex PHP scripts it accesses EA database via API and changes your account values according to
what you input earlier. It should all take around 1 minute, after which you get a notification message about the status of the generator and how many coins were generated for your account.
It really is KISS – keep it simple stupid, so there´s not much that can go wrong. It worked for me, I got the coins to my account in 30 minutes after using this tool. As you can see, threre was a slight delay, but nothing significant. Enjoy and remember – FIFA 15 is the best football game out there!