FIFA 15 Share Four-player Brawl revealed’s changing how players sign in to their profiles, while a new mode is being added to the game adding colourblind support. THE Express brings you the top PS4 news from around the World Wide Web, including a new title announced, Destiny and FIFA 15’s FUT pack giveaway.

The new rules include:

  1. Account linking and account creation with Google has now ceased, with this option being removed completely by March 24.
  2. Fans will not be able to link a Facebook account or use it to create a new profile. Account linking and account creation with Facebook will cease on March 24.  
  3. Microsoft Accounts without linked Gamertags cannot be linked or used to create a new profile. Sign-in will still work for a time, but that will eventually stop working if you do not have a linked tag.

Technical Artist Nate Hawbaker explained how the team have look to add more support by creating a colourblind mode. “To provide a better solution, we increased the contrast between the colors we do have in the perceived palette,” he revealed.

“Our solution for this subset of our community is a proper “Colorblind Mode” for Destiny. Adapting the existing user interface to support various color blind modes turned out to be a fairly complex challenge, but we managed to build a flexible toolkit for our designers.”

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