Albion Online Guide: Direwolves Giveaway

For the user Happy Gamer, it showcases the different mounts from T3 to T7, as well as their different stats, including armor, carry weight, speed, and CC defense. Are you intend to buy cheap albion online gold.


To enter, simply Like our Facebook page, create an account on 2P, and leave a comment here including your Albion Online in-game name to confirm your participation. A winner will be picked at random on the 25th, 26th and 27th.

Note that due to the nature of the game’s market, the prices listed may change/have changed. As for this giveaway, you’ll have a chance to win one of three Direwolf Mounts. Many players are dedicated to buy cheapest albion online silver.

December 25 – And the first direwolf goes to STREM.
December 27 – And the last direwolf goes to VERTI.
December 26 – And the second direwolf goes to DARKNESSE.

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