In the distant 2002, the players first entered the province of Morrowind, launching on their computer the legendary third part of The Elder Scrolls. In 15 years, this year, we again have the opportunity to re-visit the homeland of the Dark Elves in addition to Morrowind for The Elder Scrolls Online.
This time, the developers will send Morrowind for many years back. Actions DLC will unfold as much as 700 years before the events of TES: III. Nevertheless, the magic worlds have the property not to grow old and do not change much even for thousands of years, so veterans of the Scrolls will undoubtedly feel nostalgic, walking through familiar places.
The video shows a comparison of the graphics and locations of the original Morrowind and the new one. If you have previously purchased an improvement for the PC version, you can begin to explore the add-on on May 22 with the start of early access. All the others will step on the ground of Vvardenfell on June 6. And remember, nothingness, you are being watched.
Morrowind is here on The Elder Scrolls Online! Just fill your bank with enough money and get the necessary weapons and gears to benefit the most from Elder Scrolls Online. Make sure to gather enough ESO gold to enjoy yourself in the new content. If you are in lack of ESO gold, you can buy cheap ESO gold on ESO-GOLD. Besides, you should read more to learn some useful tips on The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind.