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The final boss of the Volcanic Fractal is a transformed version of the Champion Shaman you fought earlier. Rather than him walking, he is now flying around the central island, surrounded by lava. When you step onto the island, you and all party members will be effected by a debuff which remains for the entire duration of the encounter. The debuff causes burning if you standstill, meaning you and your entire party should continue to run around the shaman at all times, whether in melee or from range.
You should also be aware that there are pools of lava that litter the island floor which also cause Agony at higher levels, so be sure to avoid them as they also cause burning. At intervals of 25% health, the shaman will once again surround himself with a shield and will begin to move towards more captives on the edges of the island.Once surrounded by the shield, the shaman will also summon Lava Elemental Grubs which die relatively quickly, that are incredibly useful for rallying off.
With his shield activated you should quickly attack him to break it, with condition and haste skills proving incredibly effective here as the shield protects against individual strikes. The only attack from the shaman you should be aware of his aerial bombardment what I would describe as a series of flame-type rockets and his explosive aerial stomp (he remains stationary, flies up and then swoops down for huge damage). If you can avoid both of these, the encounter is little more than a tank-and-spank.
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